A future for humanity – response

Gordon Montgomery, a guy who knows UX (Web user experience for those who hate lingo) inside and out, wrote a blog about the future of social networking.

He’s right. It IS about time we start looking for the next big thing. Web 2.0 is on the wane but the power of social networking is not lost.

So what do we do? How do we take the monstrous power of the Facebooks, Twitters, Plaxos and LinkedIns and take them to the next level.

The answer might lie in going backward, so too speak. that is to say, we need to get more personal (personal-er?). As much as the younger generation is used to their data and personal lives being spewed across the Internets, at some point, there will be backlash. It may be a court case, a public embarrassment or something else, but they will come to realize the importance of information control. You see a hint of it every time Facebook someone tries to change their terms of service even slightly.

Where will the onus finally lie? On the individual or the company. Probably a little of both. But the tools will have to be in place already.

I see a personalized cloud as a likely destination. If that’s the case , facebook and friends need to make sure they’re open source

